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Why should you become a story teller.

Storytelling is a powerful way to connect with other people, it has been a fundamental part of human culture for thousands of years. By becoming a storyteller, you can help preserve and pass on the stories, traditions, and values of your culture for future generations. And it can entertain and inspire: A good story can transport people to another time and place, inspire them to think or act differently, or simply entertain and delight them.And lastly it is incredibly good in improving your communication skills, as it requires you to develop your abilities to engage an audience, use language effectively and convey emotions and ideas. And last but not least, storytelling is a two way street. It helps you develop empathy for your audience, to adapt and change your story based on who is listening.

How can you become a storyteller

  1. Read extensively: Reading widely can help you understand different styles and techniques of storytelling, which you can then incorporate into your own work.
  2. Practice regularly: The more you practice, the better you become. Take every opportunity to tell stories, whether it’s to friends, family, or strangers.
  3. Learn from other storytellers: Attend storytelling events, watch TED Talks, listen to podcasts, and read books on storytelling to learn from other experts in the field.
  4. Use sensory details: Great storytellers paint vivid pictures with their words, using sensory details like sounds, smells, and textures to transport their audience to a different time and place.
  5. Create relatable characters: People are drawn to stories with characters they can identify with, so make sure your characters are well-developed and relatable. Better even if those characters are people we know, if you can describe them with additional details, if the listerner knows those people as well.
  6. Structure your story: A well-structured story has a clear beginning, middle, and end, and builds to a (satisfying) conclusion.
  7. Practice active listening: Listening to other people’s stories can help you develop your own storytelling skills. Pay attention to the way they structure their stories and use language to engage their audience.
  8. Experiment with different formats: Try telling stories in different formats, such as written, spoken, or visual, to expand your skill set.
  9. Embrace vulnerability: Great stories often come from vulnerable moments. Don’t be afraid to share personal experiences and emotions in your storytelling.


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Storytelling to Influence
The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & Presenting
The Complete Storytelling Course for Speaking & Presenting
The Story Course - Storytelling Masterclass
The Story Course – Storytelling Masterclass
Writing: Book Writing: Creative Writing Skills: Punctuation
Writing: Book Writing: Creative Writing Skills: Punctuation


Step 1: Use any story you prepared before where you chose which story to tell, when to tell it together with the transition sentences you practiced with, and the super detailed descriptions you added.

Step 2: Practice slowing down at the point you’d like to emphasize, just to get a feel of what it’s like to slow down to emphasize something.

Step 3: Practice speeding up at the point you’d like to emphasize, just to get a feel of what it’s like to speed up to emphasize something.

Step 4: Practice talking louder at the point you’d like to emphasize, just to get a feel of what it’s like to talk louder to emphasize something.

Step 5: Practice talking softer at the point you’d like to emphasize, just to get a feel of what it’s like to talk softer to emphasize something.

Step 6: Combo practice! Use any combo from step step 2 to 5 and have fun with it.

Step 7: Practice moving your hands when you speak just to get a feel of what it’s like to move your hands within you Power Box. Just move them hands!

Step 8: Practice any combo from above and have fun doing it!

My personal Journey can be followed here

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